

2018.0402 - 0408 新片更新


BD25 藍光電影
B25M5929 - [英] 失蹤人生 (Wakefield) (2016)
B25M5928 - [英] 大娛樂家 (The Greatest Showman) (2017)
B25M5927 - [英] 我們的秘密戀人 (The Lovers) (2017)
B25M5926 - [英] 憤怒 (Indignation) (2016)
B25M5925 - [英] 阿姐響叮噹 (A Bad Moms Christmas) (2017)
B25M5924 - [英] 野蠻遊戲 - 瘋狂叢林 3D (Jumanji - Welcome to the Jungle 3D) (2017) <快門3D>
B25M5923 - [英] 星際大戰八部曲 - 最後的絕地武士 3D (Star Wars - The Last Jedi 3D) (2017) <快門3D>
B25M5922 - [英] 星際大戰八部曲 - 最後的絕地武士 花絮碟 (Star Wars - The Last Jedi Bonus) (2017)
B25M5921 - [中] 破局 (Peace Breaker) (2017)
B25M5920 - [韓] 與神同行 (Along with the Gods) (2017)
B25M5919 - [英] 虛擬革命 (Virtual Revolution) (2016)
B25M5918 - [西] 設局 (Mist And The Maiden) (2017)
B25M5917 - [英] 陰兒房第4章 - 鎖命亡靈 (Insidious - The Last Key) (2018)
B25M5916 - [西] 逆境棋蹟 (The Cheess Player) (2017)
B25M5915 - [中] 血觀音 (The Bold The Corrupt and the Beautiful) (2017)
B25M5914 - [中] 大佛普拉斯 (The Great Buddha+) (2017)
B25M5913 - [中] 英雄本色 2018 (A Better Tomorrow 2018) (2018)