

2016.1114 - 1120 新片更新


BD50 藍光電影
B50M0556 - [英] 神鬼認證 - 傑森包恩 (Jason Bourne) (2016)
B50M0555 - [英] 海底總動員 2 - 多莉去哪兒 (Finding Dory) (2016)
B50M0554 - [英] 婚禮玩很大 (Mike And Dave Need Wedding Dates) (2016)

BD25 藍光電影
B25M4510 - [日] 恐怖鄰人 (Creepy) (2016)
B25M4509 - [英] 暫時停止呼吸 (Don't Breathe) (2016)
B25M4506 - [日] 狼少女與黑王子 (Wolf Girl & Black Prince) (2016)
B25M4505 - [英] 神鬼認證 - 傑森包恩 (Jason Bourne) (2016)
B25M4504 - [法] 愛波的異想世界 (April and the Extraordinary World) (2015)
B25M4503 - [英] 吹夢巨人 (The BFG) (2016)
B25M4502 - [挪] 維京傳奇 (Birkebeinerne) (2016)
B25M4501 - [日] 星丘車站失物招領 (Lost & Found) (2016)
B25M4500 - [法] 愛情未來 (Things to Come) (2016)
B25M4498 - [日] 虎影 (The Ninja War of Torakage) (2014)
B25M4497 - [日] 吸血鬼之戀 (Vampire in Love) (2015)
B25M4496 - [日] 流浪者年代記 (Strayer's Chronicle) (2015)
B25M4495 - [日] 戀人們 (Lovers) (2015)
B25M4494 - [日] 逃婚女與見習男 (Kakekomi) (2015)
B25M4492 - [英] 舞力重擊 (High Strung) (2016)
B25M4491 - [英] 赴湯蹈火 (Hell or High Water) (2016)
B25M4490 - [中] 六弄咖啡館 (At Cafe 6) (2015)
B25M4488 - [日] 獵人 劇場版 - 最終任務 (Hunter × Hunter - The Last Mission) (2013)
B25M4487 - [英] 事與願違 (Careful What You Wish For) (2015)
B25M4486 - [英] 死亡復甦 2 - 終極遊戲 (Dead Rising - Endgame) (2016)
B25M4485 - [英] 我找賓拉登 (Army of One) (2016)
B25M4484 - [英] 酷寶 - 魔弦傳說 3D (Kubo and the Two Strings) (2016) <2D + 快門3D>
B25M4483 - [英] 酷寶 - 魔弦傳說 (Kubo and the Two Strings) (2016)
B25M4482 - [日] 花牌情緣 下之句 (Chihayafuru Part II) (2016)
B25M4481 - [日] 花牌情緣 上之句 (Chihayafuru Part I) (2016)
B25M4478 - [英] 今年聖誕 (This Christmas) (2007)
B25M4477 - [英] 極速秒殺 2 (Mechanic - Resurrection) (2016)
B25M4476 - [中] 大話西遊 3 (Chinese Odyssey Part III) (2016)
B25M4475 - [英] 火線掏寶 (War Dogs) (2016)
B25M4474 - [英] 日無光心慌慌 (Daylight's End) (2016)

B25M4508 - [英] 麻雀變公主 2 - 皇家有約 (The Princess Diaries 2 - Royal Engagement) (2004)
B25M4507 - [英] 麻雀變公主 (The Princess Diaries) (2001)
B25M4499 - [英] 扭轉奇蹟 (The Family Man) (2000)
B25M4493 - [韓] 煉獄島 (Bedevilled) (2010)
B25M4489 - [日] 快打旋風 2 (Street Fighter II - The Movie) (1994)
B25M4480 - [法] 青樓怨婦 (Belle de jour) (1967)
B25M4479 - [英] 情定巴黎 (French Kiss) (1995)

BD25 藍光其他
B25R0304 - 布萊恩考克斯探索自然力量 (Forces of Nature with Brian Cox)
B25R0303 - 飛行時代 (Living in the Age of Airplanes)
B25R0302 - 里約 2016 奧運會(Rio 2016 Olympic Games)
B25R0300 - 京都・南禅寺界隈別荘群 ~春夏秋冬~
B25R0299 - 京都御所 ~秘められた千年の美~
B25R0298 - 幻の霧 ~摩周湖 神秘の夏~
B25R0297 - 星空絶景 ~名風景の夜空を彩る星~
B25R0296 - 人文地圖 - 俄羅斯 (Discovery Atlas Russia)
B25R0295 - 穿越落基山脈 (Rocky Mountain Express)
B25R0294 - Beach Angels 山地まり in 西表島 寫真
B25R0293 - 白石茉莉奈 - が好きすぎて白石茉莉奈が彼女になってた 寫真

B25R0301 - 走進銀河 (Inside the Milky Way)

BD25 藍光成人
B25X1802 - [美] Bring'Um Young Vol. 28
B25X1801 - [美] Sunny Loves Matt
B25X1800 - [美] Gotcha!