

2015.0914 - 0920 新片更新


BD50 藍光電影
B50M0402 - [英] 鬼哭神嚎 - 惡靈15 (Poltergeist) (2015)
B50M0401 - [英] 復仇者聯盟 2 - 奧創紀元 3D (Avengers - Age of Ultron 3D) (2015) <快門3D>
B50M0400 - [英] 復仇者聯盟 2 - 奧創紀元 (Avengers - Age of Ultron) (2015)

BD25 藍光電影
B25M3069 - [英] 2015 大明星小跟班 (Entourage) (2015)
B25M3068 - [英] 皇家公主出走記 (A Royal Night Out) (2015)
B25M3067 - [英] 愛與寬容 (Love & Mercy) (2014)
B25M3066 - [英] 鬼哭神嚎 - 惡靈15 3D (Poltergeist 3D) (2015) <2D + 快門3D>
B25M3065 - [英] 鬼哭神嚎 - 惡靈15 (Poltergeist) (2015)
B25M3064 - [日] 武士人生 (Samu Life) (2015)
B25M3063 - [日] 極道好聲音 (La La La at Rock Bottom) (2015)
B25M3062 - [英] 騙婚記 (Mississippi Mermaid) (1969)
B25M3061 - [英] 碧海青天夜夜心 (The Tarnished Angels) (1957)
B25M3060 - [韓] 朝鮮密探出任務 (Detective K - Secret of the Lost Island) (2015)
B25M3059 - [義] 少年透明人 (Il ragazzo invisibile) (2014)
B25M3058 - [英] 麻辣賤諜 (SPY) (2015)
B25M3057 - [中] 有一個地方只有我們知道 (Somewhere Only We Know) (2015)
B25M3056 - [中] 沙西米 (Sashimi) (2015)
B25M3055 - [中] 九品芝麻官 (Hail the Judge) (1994)
B25M3054 - [中] 整人專家 (Tricky Brains) (1991)
B25M3053 - [西] 堕落色戒 (Decadencia) (2014)
B25M3052 - [韓] 共同警備區域 (Joint Security Area) (2000)
B25M3051 - [中] 血滴子 (The Flying Guillotine) (1974)
B25M3050 - [中] 殘缺 (Crippled Avengers) (1978)
B25M3049 - [英] 西塞英雄譜 (Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson) (1976)

B25M3048 - [英] 對面惡女看過來 (10 Things I Hate About You) (1999)

BD25 藍光成人
B25X1289 - [日][有碼] Hitomi - 電撃移籍!Super J

BB0094 - [中] 破風 (To The Fore) (2014)[搶鮮版]
BB0093 - [中] 捉妖記 (Monster Hunt) (2015)[搶鮮版]
BB0092 - [中] 一路向前 (Love In The Office) (2015)[搶鮮版]
BB0091 - [中] 煎餅俠 (Pancake Man) (2015)[搶鮮版]